yellow-backed tanager câu
yellow-backed duiker
A yellow-backed duiker (Cephalophus silvicultor) at the Gladys Porter Zoo in Brownsville, TX.Đười ươi Sumatra (Pongo abelii) tại Vườn t...

The present work, pictured with Irving Sandler and Lois Dodd in Tanager Gallery, 1956Irving Sandler và Lois Dodd tại Tanager Gallery, 1...

scarlet tanager
it’s the scarlet tanager in the brown tree.Chim scarlet tanager trên cây tulip it’s the scarlet tanager in the brown tree.Chim scarlet ...

I was skinnin' buffalo down at Yellow Horse Creek, Texas.Lúc đó tôi đang lột da bò ở dưới Khe Yellow Horse, Texas. I was skinnin' buffa...

backed bill
He backed Bill Clinton’s illegal bombing of Serbia.Ông ta ủng hộ việc ném bom phi pháp Serbia của Bill Clinton. He backed Bill Clinton...

In the village of Wateringen the Germans bumped into a guard squad of a Dutch command post and when two armoured cars appeared to suppo...

I became a walker, or rather, a bent-backed pusher.Vì thế, tôi trở thành người biên đạo múa, hoặc đúng hơn là người gia công động tác t...

It has no dominion; it is a broken-backed snake; we are in bitter conflict with it, but it is with a vanquished foe that we have to dea...

Usually portrayed as a “hook-nosed, hump-backed buffoon,” Punch is considered a somewhat politically incorrect character to put it ligh...

My hunch-backed grandparents weren’t the only people waiting for me.Hai người ông bà đã còng lưng không phải là người duy nhất chờ đợi ...

She was “sway-backed.”Đang xem mục từ: sway-backed »»

asset backed securities
For investors, asset backed securities are an alternative to investing in corporate debt.Đối với các nhà đầu tư, chứng khoán có tài sản...

asset-backed commercial paper
Asset-backed commercial paper is based on corporate and business debt.Giấy thương mại được hỗ trợ dựa trên nợ doanh nghiệp và doanh ngh...

asset-backed securities
see Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility.Term Asset-Backed Cơ sở cho vay chứng khoán The Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facil...

bar-backed partridge
Videos of Bar-backed partridgeTên tiếng Anh:Bar-backed Partridge

black-backed jackal
Black-backed jackal, Canis mesomelasChó rừng lưng đen, Canis mesomelas Black-backed jackal (C. mesomelas) ·Chó rừng lưng đen (C. mesom...

high-backed chair
There was a high-backed chair beside the table; Amatis sat in it, folded her hands in her lap, and regarded Clary calmly.Có một chiếc g...

mortgage-backed securities
Mortgage-Backed Securities and the Financial Crisis of 2008: a Post MortemMBS (Mortgage Backed Securities) và khủng hoảng tài chính 200...

red-backed buttonquail
Red-backed buttonquail, Turnix maculosusCun cút lưng đỏ: Turnix maculosus

red-backed kingfisher
The red-backed kingfisher of Australia lives in the driest deserts, although kingfishers are absent from other dry deserts like the Sah...

red-backed shrike
The Red-backed Shrike breeds in most of Europe and western Asia and winters in tropical Africa.Bách thanh lưng đỏ sinh sản ở hầu hết ch...

white-backed duck
Subfamily Thalassorninae: the White-backed Duck.Phân họ Thalassorninae: Vịt lưng trắng.

white-backed vulture
White-backed Vulture, Gyps africanusKền kền lưng trắng, Gyps africanus

cadmium yellow
"Cadmium yellow was introduced in the mid 19th century.“Vàng Cadmium được tìm ra vào giữa thế kỷ 19. One famous example is the bright ...

chrome yellow
Chrome yellow is actually a lead salt, lead chromate (PbCrO4.Chrome màu vàng là một sắc tố màu vàng tự nhiên làm bằng lead(II) chromate...